Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Fox News, Spies, Conference, and Defiance

Fox News

I came back to the house yesterday, just after 4pm, and had the chance to catch the whole Inauguration live on line with Fox News and the Situation Room. It was really good to get to watch it from an American perspective. Good panelists - dissapointingly pro-Republican (I know, no surprise since that's the way they lean, you get the same thing on CNN, but I would have hoped for a couple of pro-Democratic voices). They all showed a lot of respect for both Obama and Bush, which both impressed me and made me really happy. Rick Warren's prayer was the most evangelically Christian in recent memory. Obama speaks of God and Scripture with deep confidence (not apologetically or with doubt) and couples it solidly with a strong intellectual ability - it's really neat to see and I hope it guides him well in these next four years.

Quote I read today from Relevant and then I'll be quiet about the election:

'I think we're going to be invited into many conversations [... Obama] is a consensus-oriented type of leader. We need to be able to respond to those invitations ... Part of our role is to speak truth to power ... [and the] most effective way of doing that is not to be so narrow and combative. It's to be part of the conversation.'
-Joel Hunter, pastor

P.S. I lied. Last post-script. Having read through many of Obama's speech's last night after working at the archive, I'm not surprised that his first decision was to suspend trials at Guantonomo. He's a defense lawyer by background who has consistently been verbal about his concern that the rules of legal process aren't being followed at Guantonomo and innocent men are given no right of appeal. Okay, now I'm done... :-)


I've basically gotten through 5 folders (of the 18) on Koinange and they're facinating reading! Everyday I get up and go to the archives is the continuing unfolding of this incredible story. It's really neat, because it's letters and communiques between different security branch offices, it's as though I'm watching the progression as they uncover new information and try to peace it all together. Yesterday, in mid-48 they were wanting to stop following him all-together, now, in early 49 they are convinced he's connected to some key shady players, and skimming ahead to 52, they call him an 'extreme nationalist'. Can't wait to figure out why! :-)

P.S. I'm going to try to find out about copyright on the pictures of the documents I've been taking. I'd like to post one or two up here for you and the transcription of the text of some of the letters, as some of them are really neat.


Just to get in the habit of submitting papers to conferences (in the academic world, it's a lot like a job hunt - you do it a bazillion times and get used to hearing 'no' most of the time), I decided to submit a paper to the upcoming IHSA (Irish Historical Society Association) conference. Since I got good feedback on my "Postmodernism and Holocaust Denial" paper from my prof's, I submitted it. Surprisingly, even though it has nothing to do with my field and would seem like a pretty cliche topic, it was accepted. So, I've gotta get ready now to present the paper in Maynooth for the IHSA Conference the first weekend in where to find funding to pay for it...


The place I'm staying Kew is really cute and I definitely appreciate it, but the room's not huge and since it's not my house, I don't feel the freedom to roam about. As well, they have two cats and a dog, which my allergies aren't crazy about (finally got some medicine tonight on the way home). So, after two long days of research and becuase of the cats, I think I'm going to head out here in like 45 minutes and go see the new Daniel Craig, WWII survivor movie "Defiance". I'll try to let you know how it is. The director also did Last Samurai, which I really enjoyed.

Well, that's it for an update. So really cool things happening and I find myself each day so thankful for this incredible life and these amazing experiences that God's allowing me to have. :-)

1 comment:

Acanuckinhibernia said...

Dude I am going to the same IHSA conference. We will rock it up.