Monday, September 22, 2008

Ways You Can Pray

I know several of you have a heart for prayer, so I thought I'd share a few things with you for which I would love your prayers.

Wisdom for Church - I really enjoyed Fisherwick this week and they have plenty of ways for me to get plugged in and help out. So, if God doesn't desire for me to be somewhere else, I'd love to jump in and make the most of the year. But, I also don't want to miss out on God's desire for me if there is somewhere else He would have me be.

Protection through Wisdom - one of the great joys for me so far is getting to build friendships with people who don't believe the same way as me. I have learned so much through Megan, Melissa, Jude, Camille, Joy...etc. and I covet these relationships - they're so sweet to me. At the same time, I need to be wise because we don't always share the same convictions. So, pray that I would practice self-control and self-discipline in wisdom throughout all my relationships - both with those like me and unlike me.

Finances - my loans from the US government will hopefully be in within the next week. So, that's a praise. However, at the same time, things here add up really quick because of the exchange rate - so pray that I would honor what the Lord has given me and be wise in how I spend that money. Not too cautious, that I miss out on opportunities, but not careless either.

Thanks for your prayers! Probably once a week or so (unless something special comes up), I'll put up a post just asking for specific prayer requests. Thanks!

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